Starting in October, we’re launching an exciting new series called Kingdom Builders One Life. This series is centered around the concept of reaching everyone, everywhere… one life at a time. It’s a big idea with the potential to make a significant impact in our growing community.

For six weeks beginning in October, we’ll be gathering every week at each one of campuses for the One Life Gatherings. These sessions will provide an opportunity to connect with others who are passionate about making a difference, one life at a time.

And don’t worry—childcare will be provided for kids up to 5th grade. For more information about dates, times, locations, and to sign up, click the link to register.


It has never been more important to gather in Groups. Connecting with others who know us by name and to be lifted up in faith by God’s Word and pray together, is essential for our spiritual and emotional health. It is not good for people to be alone!

In a world that is currently filled with fear, anxiety, and unknowns, we have a unique opportunity to BE the church. We are confident that Jesus will be as present online as He is when we meet together.

We offer a wide selection of groups to meet your life stage, interests, and schedule, including groups for married couples, single parents, ladies-only, men-only, and single adults. Topical study groups focused on the areas of marriage, finance, parenting, and discipleship are available as well.


Leading a Small Group isn’t about being perfect; it’s about serving others by giving them a place to connect. We give you essential tools to make your Small Group successful. We believe people’s lives are changed one day at a time by moving one step toward Christ, and as a Group leader, you get to play an important role in that process.

Leading is easier than you might think. Truly successful small groups all have one thing in common: a leader with a heart to serve and become more like Jesus.

We’ve put together some practical resources to help you lead your Small Group successfully.

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